Ken Burns | On Cancer

Ken Burns and PBS wanted a series of short films that would tell personal stories of the impact of Cancer on people’s lives. Redglass Pictures and I created a series of short films that coincided with the feature length documentary Cancer: Emperor of All Maladies. For all of these stories, I shot these interviews, edited, keyed, color corrected, and mixed audio along with Tom Mason.


Ken Jeong’s breakout role in The Hangover was insane, hilarious and made him an instant comedic legend. But there was nothing funny about what motivated his performance. Ken's wife, Tran, had just been diagnosed with stage three breast cancer… The role, which he almost didn't take, became a place for him to funnel his rage and fear and "to make his wife laugh". This Vimeo Staff picked short film tells their cancer story.


Most of these pieces had a dark tone, given the subject matter, but Terrence Howard’s story of cancer inspires some hope. For this project, I setup camera, lighting, sound, shot the interview, keyed the footage and assisted Tom Mason with the final edit.


For this project, we worked with a great artist to create this fantasy world. She provided me with illustrations based off of the story that we cut. I animated all the illustrations in After Effects, edited, color corrected and sound mixed the final piece.


For this piece, I setup camera, lighting, sound, and the green screen. I keyed, color corrected, edited, created motion graphics and did the final mix on this project.


US Pavilion at the 2015 World Expo


Front Five | E!